The Black bike trail will be closed February 10 through 14. Sections of walking trails in the park’s west end will be closed when crews are in the area. As always, keep an eye out for orange signs. For more information on buckthorn work in Sunfish Lake Park, click here.
A place of peace and respect.
Located at Sunfish Lake Park in Lake Elmo, MN, the Sally Manzara Interpretive Nature Center stands as a symbol of the Stewardship of our community for its natural surroundings and heritage, serves as a focus of community activities related to outdoor life, provides a place where people of all ages can learn about the unique natural history and ongoing ecology of Sunfish Lake Park, teaches general environmental awareness via specific local examples, and honors the agricultural heritage of Lake Elmo.

Your Visit

Our Nature for Life program features a range of events curated for our guests. Also, be sure to check out our summer camp and educational opportunities for young learners.

Have you noticed that some areas of the park look much more open now?
The Friends of Lake Elmo’s Sunfish Lake Park have received Grants for the three phases of the “Restoration of Sunfish Lake Park” from the Outdoor Heritage Fund. The Phase 1 effort began in 2020, supported by a DNR-CPL $154,000 program. Phase 2 was funded at $457,000 in 2022, and Phase 3 was awarded on December 18, 2023 for $50,000. Two successive warm winters have created a need to change plans for moving heavy equipment over frozen soil, so some of the work has had to be rescheduled.
Building Usage
The facilities at the Sally Manzara Interpretive Nature Center are available for use at hourly and daily rates. For information about current use rates, please email the SMINC at
The Sally Manzara Interpretive Nature Center is a place of Peace and Respect where members of the community can learn or teach about nature.
Hike Suggestions
Sunfish Lake Park Hiking
A Guide by John Neitge, 2022
Recommendations for an excellent hike
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