Sunlight / Moisture / Soil preference:Full sun; tolerates compacted soils and a wide range of soil moistures and pH; salt sensitive; drought tolerant; river banks and rocky barrens common.
Flowering type:Male and female flowers are separate, but on the same tree (monoecious)
Pollination strategy: Wind
Age Estimate/ Health: About 4 years when planted 2023, healthy
Longevity: 150 to 200 years
Mature Size:30-130 ft tall by 40-50 ft wide
GPS Coordinates N45.00212 W 92.90414
Mature Tree in Winter/ Summer
Leaves in Summer / Fall
Alternate, simple, singly toothed, uneven base; ovate in shape, leaves are ovate, opposite, lightly pubescent (soft down or fine short hairs on the leaves and stems of plants), and 2- 3 inches long.
Flowers - Female & Male if monoecious
Fruit Unripe / Ripe
Bark of Mature Tree / root system sketch
Bark is grayish with distinct corky ridges
Uses in Traditional and Modern Eras
Value for wildlife:The Hackberry Emperor butterfly (asterocampa celtis) lays its eggs on the Hackberry tree – the only host plant for its caterpillars.
Utility for Humans:not a popular ornamental tree, but exceptionally hardy and good shade tree for pavements and avenues. Grows well near eastern redbud, American holly and summersweet.
Traditional uses in Native American Tree Medicine (historical):
Homeowner’s Corner Watch for leaf beetles, sap-sucking insects; longhorn beetles; brown spot; caterpillars; leaf miners; yellow spot.