9 – Norway Spruce

Scientific Name, Family: Picea Abies , Pinaceae

Common Names:Norway Spruce

Native or invasive: Native to northern/central Europe

Deciduous or Evergreen: Evergreen

Image of the tree you are viewing: GPS Longtitude 0.00204 Latitude 0.90402

Condition and age guess of the tree you are viewing: 25-30 years old

Branch Structure: Looks very weepy in form even from a distance because the branches tend to have smaller branches that hang down, like pendulums, off the larger branches.

Typical height and width at maturity: 40-100 ft tall by 25-30 ft wide

Typical longevity: 300 to 400 years

Soil, water, sunlight preferences:  This spruce prefers to be grown in average, acidic, well-drained soils in full sun. Performs well in rich sandy soils. Prefers cool summer climates. Established plants have some tolerance for dryish soils. Norway spruce is slightly tolerant of salt spray.

Growth habit of roots:

Images of trunk bark at early stage and mature stage: The bark of a young tree is thin and thickens into gray-brown flaky scales with maturity.

Images of mature tree: winter and summer

Image of leaf or leaves on a 12 x 12 inch grid: It has four-sided needles that are about 1 inch long. The needles are smooth and stiff with a pointed tip.

Image of leaf or leaves in fall colors:

Flower Details: It has small flowers on male and female trees. Male flowers are pinkish-red and clustered along the stems. The female flowers are reddish-pink and upright. Once pollinated, the flowers turn green and hang downward as cones ripen.

Typical Pollination Mechanism:

Images of flowers (one or two images)

Images of fruit: Cones are cylindrical, they are 4 to 6 inches long, purplish-green changing to light brown as they ripen.

Value for wildlife: Used by birds (hawks and owls), moths, and some small mammals. One good feature is that deer prefer to browse on other types of trees. Squirrels prefer the cone’s seeds to those from other trees.

Utility for Humans: Often used for Christmas trees when younger and also used in the manufacturing of wood products such as furniture, buildings, and musical instruments.

Can be used in landscapes as a specimen tree, a screen, or a windbreak. Norway spruce grows fairly fast and grows quite large, so it would make a great windbreak for its aesthetic quality as well. They are tolerant of wind, which makes them a great choice for a windbreak tree.

Traditional uses in Native American Tree Medicine (historical):

Links to related interesting information: audio file link

Homeowner’s Corner

Disease issues to watch for are cytospora canker, wood decay, needle cast, and rust may occur. Insect pests to watch for include aphids, bagworms, budworms, and borers. Red spider mites can be troublesome.

The best prescription for a healthy Norway spruce is maintaining tree vigor with just the right amount of watering and mulching. Pruning away diseased branches is acceptable in the Norway spruce. Perennial companion plants for Norway spruce include Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum spp.), Astilbe (Astilbe spp.), wild ginger (Asarum spp.), and spikenard (Aralia spp.)