Entertainment And Education

The volunteers of the Sally Manzara Interpretive Nature Center are creating activities for your entertainment and education. Scroll to the bottom of this page, click the link you want, and get the Drawings to Color, Games to Download, and Word Find Puzzles to have something to do at home. Print out copies of one of the Scavenger Hunts, and the Nature Guide information, or Trail Map, before you head over to Sunfish Lake Park for a refreshing walk. Thanks especially to Christa for many of these creations!

These activities include illustrated nature Scavenger Hunt sheets, Nature Journal pages, Word Find Puzzles at different levels of difficulty, other Games, and Trail Guide information. 

Christa’s Tips On Nature Photography

Take some interesting observations and upload them to the Sunfish Lake Park Project on iNaturalist. If you have not signed up to send in observations, visit – it is FREE and FUN!

Outdoor Exhibit

Tree Trek Educational Hike

Trail Maps For Sunfish Lake Park

Most recent map showing bike trails (August 2021 version)

Games To Download

Directions: Print out two copies of the photo sheets and cut out the cards on the blue lines. Use as many pairs as you wish. Mix them up and lay them face down on a table in rows and columns.


When it is your turn, turn over any two cards. If they match, keep them and take another turn. You can read off the animal facts for the set(s) that you matched. If they don’t match, turn them back over. Try to remember what was on each card and where it was.


Play moves to the next person. The game is over when all the cards have been matched and the winner is the one with the most matched pairs.


Memory Card Game - Animals

Memory Card Game - Water Loving Birds

Print out these games, count how many of each bird or insect is pictured, and learn some new facts about them.



Print out these pictures, cut along the lines, mix up the pieces, put them back together, and learn about nature!


painted lady
syrphid fly
tormentose burying beetle

Cut out the pictures and arrange them in the right order – and learn something new!


animal signs
prairie flower

Word Find Puzzles

Nature Journal Pages

Drawings To Color

These beautiful pictures are half-done, so you can finish the other half. Did you know that each person has a dominant eye as well as a dominant hand? Try downloading and printing two copies of these pictures, then color one right side up and the other, upside down, and compare the two efforts! Or try it with the original picture turned away from you, and the part to be colored closer to you. (thanks to Christa for the drawings)


milkweed bug
oak leaf
purple coneflower
tiger swallowtail

Nature Guides for the Trails

Scavenger Hunts

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