If something valuable has been found and turned in at the reception desk or left on the front bench, our plan is to post its photo on this page. If you see a picture of an item you have lost, please send an email to info@sminc-lake-elmo.org and answer the question. This account is monitored weekly, we will put your name on the item and leave it on the shelf behind the reception desk. Items left for over two months will be offered to the highest bidder, taken to Goodwill, or discarded, depending on their nature.
Thank you to all the kind, honest people who have dropped off nice items that they have found in Sunfish Lake Park. Several people who were re-united with their car keys, wallets, (and even a flash drive with precious pictures) have been very grateful! We cleared the Lost and Found at the end of the year, but left the abandoned nice red REI jacket hanging on the coat rack. Also there is a hat and a cap available. The jacket is Men’s XL size. If you are the owner, please come and get it by the end of January.