Nature For Life

Nature for life: For nature lovers who are old enough to drive

Our Nature for Life series brings in guest experts and lecturers to present on a range of nature related topics. In years past, we have had presentations on wolves, animal skull identification, astronomy, and many more. One of our most popular 2024 events was a webinar viewing of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s presentation at UW Oshkosh. This year we have an exciting slate of events lined up, including an introduction to foraging and a lecture on the geology of Sunfish Lake Park. Some of the events for 2025 are traditional lecture-style presentations, while others are more hands on. Take a look at our offerings; we think there’s something for everyone!

Adult Crafting Night at the SMINC


Need a night to not have to ask if someone needs the potty? Secretly want to do more crafts without the kids? Or do you need a break from the work grind? Join us for a night of snacks, chats and crafts! You can bring projects you are working on and just need some time and space to do it OR do the craft we provide.

$15 Donation (dinner only)

$25 Donation (dinner and provided craft)

For tickets, go to: Crafting Night

Painted walking stick workshop w/ tim hugley

March 15 @ 10:30 a.m.

We had so much fun last year that we are doing it again! Come on over and let your creative side thrive and leave with your very own designed walking stick.

$25/person – includes walking stick to take home

For tickets, go to: Stick Painting

Introduction to foraging w/ Tim Clemens

April 10 @ 6 p.m.

Learn something old with Tim Clemens of Ironwood Foraging Co. in this presentation and Q&A! Foraging is the ancient human practice of finding food outside. This presentation will help begin your lifelong foraging journey. We’ll learn about native and invasive plants, how to start identifying plants and mushrooms, where to legally forage, and so much more!

Cost: TBD

Photo courtesy of Tim Clemens
Phot courtesy of Tim Clemens

Edible Native Plant Gardening w/ Tim Clemens

April 22 @ 6 p.m.

Feed pollinators and yourself! Join Tim Clemens of Ironwood Foraging Co. for this presentation and Q&A and learn about edible native plants that you can add to your landscaping, boulevard or pollinator plot. You’ll learn a few new recipes too!

Cost: TBD

Native Plants: Harvesting, Cleaning and Storing (With Washington County Master Gardeners)

September 25 @ 6:30

The SMINC is happy to partner with the Washington County Master Gardeners to welcome Washington County Master Gardeners Chris Bremer and Diane Clavel for this event. Learn how to harvest different native plant seeds. When the seed or pod is dry enough to harvest, learn how to clean the seeds, and how to store them for later use. Also included is an introduction to winter sowing of native seeds. The cost of this event is $10 per person.

For tickets, go to: Plants

Photo courtesy of Washington County Master Gardeners
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